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Set an online assessment

This article details how to use Sparx Assessments to set up a online assessment (or sitting)

Written by Greg Howell
Updated over 5 months ago

You can watch this video to take you through the process start to finish. (1min 41s)

What is a Sitting?

A Sitting is a scheduled online assessment for students. You can select from our list of online assessments and set up multiple sittings at once for all your classes.

Setting up a Sitting

  1. From the Home screen, click Create a new sitting at the top of the screen.

  2. Select the Sparx assessment you want to create a online sitting for (e.g., Sparx Reading Test).

  3. You can customize your sitting by:

    • Renaming the assessment for your reference (Note: the name will remain unchanged for students).

    • Specifying the year group for the sitting.

    • Adding the student groups (i.e., classes) that will take the assessment. Enter each class name and click "Add."

  4. Click "Create."

    • Once the sitting is created, a table with links to all sittings for each class will be generated.

    • You can click Copy table to clipboard and paste it into an email to share with

      those administering the assessments.

Note: Those with access to the assessment link will be able to control the assessment without logging in but will have limited access to other areas of the site.

You can find the created sitting in the "Sittings" section of the homepage. Use the filters to narrow down the list of sittings as needed.

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