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Match students and export results
Written by Greg Howell
Updated over 5 months ago

In order to access the results of a completed online assessment, students need to be successfully matched to a student in the MIS and their data needs to be exported.

You can watch this video which explains the process from start to finish. (1min 51s)

Note: In order to match students and export their data, the MIS will need to be connected and imported. See this page for more details.

Navigating to the matching page

At the end of an online assessment:

  1. When an assessment is ended, the button Match students and upload results will appear in the top right hand corner

  2. Clicking on this button will take you to the matching page for that assessment

From the homepage

  1. Click on Assessments and select the assessment you are interested in

  2. On the overview page, find the Match Students tile and click the View sittings button

  3. Above the Ended sittings page will be a button prompting you to Link students

How to use the page

This page is used to match students with manually entered details to those in your MIS.

Students will be in one of the following states:

Signed in

If a student has signed in using their Sparx log in details, they will not need to be matched. Their data just needs to be exported. You can do this by clicking Upload results.

Suggested match

If a students name they entered matches a student in the MIS, a match will be suggested and needs to be approved or rejected.

No match found

A student was not able to be matched to a record in the MIS. You can use the search bar to find the student or you will need to wait for the MIS to be fully imported.

Duplicate entry

There are two or more students in the MIS matched to this students details. You will need to approve or reject the matches and replace any incorrect ones by searching for and selecting the correct student name.

Once student matches are successful you can save and upload. This will export results to the reporting area.

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